
Copyrights or author’s rights belong to the author since the moment of creation of the work, whether the work is finished or unfinished, regardless of the work’s objective and value, its form of manifestation or shape.   

An author holds the rights to be recognized as the author of his/her work, and only the author reserves exclusive rights to allow or prohibit usage of the author’s work. 


During the entire lifetime only the author himself/herself is allowed to use his/her personal rights. The economic rights, however, in full extent or partly, can be administered by the author or delegated to a copyright collective management society.


In case of claims, the members of AKKA/LAA, its represented authors or copyright collecting societies represented on the basis of representative agreements are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the procedure of processing of claims.


In case of questions or queries please contact AKKA/LAA via e-mail or call the Authors Department at (+371) 67506426 or 26116669.