Registration of works

The registration of the choreographic works is necessary to fix the titles of the works precisely and all the authors included. 

The information is vital to identify the works and authors in the users' accounts and distribute the remuneration. 


Authors can register their works if they have concluded an agreement with AKKA/LAA.


A registered work is not an evidence of authorship! 

AKKA/LAA registration:


  • title,
  • alternative title, if any,
  • genre,
  • duration,
  • composer,
  • choreographer,
  • arranger,
  • author of the text,
  • performer.



If a choreography includes a protected work, a permission of the author is mandatory. The choreographer must make a contract with an author who has written the music. 


Authors fix all the required information on the work in the registration cards or electronic registration system, including the perecentage of distributed royalties, and testify the data with their signature. 


The registered data is a basis for the distribution of royalties.