The cost of a licence

 DJs may procure a license for an individual event or entire calendar year. The reproduction license covers both copyright and neighbouring rights, and the DJ may choose to collect it either on the premises of society AKKA/LAA, or society LaIPA.



  • The cost of a license fee (copyright and neighbouring rights) per single event is 28.46 Euro;
  • The cost of a license fee (copyright and neighbouring rights) per calendar year is 142.28 Euro.


It must be noted that permission to reproduce only concerns phonograms procured in a legitimate way, the license is personalized, attached to a definite DJ in person, and it is not to be transferred to third parties. DJs have no rights to issue sub-licenses. The license does not grant the DJ the rights to copy phonograms, to lease phonograms, place them on Internet websites, or perform any actions that are not expressly stipulated by the licence agreement.


The above licenses do not concern public performance of the works. Public performance requires a separate permission. Permissions to use musical works for public performance are normally sought by cafes and bars where the DJs perform, or by organizers of events. However, in special cases, e.g. when a DJ is also the respective event organizer, or procurement of a license for public performance of music is imposed on the DJ by agreement with the event organizer, the license for public performance of music may also be issued to a DJ. 



In case of queries please contact AKKA/LAA via e-mail


  • Reproduction issues: (+371) 67274164 or 29204634;
  • Public performance issues: (+371) 67506422 or 29191372.